Works of Fiction and Suspense

Welcome to the page for the SF Suspense novel The Nightmare Machine by John Nicholas Datesh, from Loiseau Media's Anyway Books imprint.

The Nightmare Machine is a tale of the earliest days of brain wave Dream Manipulation technology, fresh from the lab... with a hit list.

For inventor Raymond Carleton, putting a second Jordan on his list was never his plan. Madelaine hadn't been on the original one. Not like her father and his wealthy pals. But when Madelaine terminated Raymond's project and his career, her dreams became Raymond's grounds for another terrifying vengeance.

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    Industrialist Thomas Jordan had acquired a vengeful enemy, one who entered his bedroom one night as he slept. Thomas Jordan did not awake that night. Or ever. His heart had imploded.

       Jordan's very generosity had killed him. Researcher Raymond Carleton had developed his dream therapy computer system with a Jordan foundation grant. Raymond's machine had not impressed Jordan or his board enough to keep grant money flowing, but they hadn't known the half of it. Raymond's machine could do a hell of a lot more than count sheep.
       Accent on Hell.
       His ingenious device inserted Raymond himself inside any dream, live, and with the power to frighten the dreamer to death.
       Old man Jordan's death opened the way for Raymond's real hope, the old coot's brilliant daughter, Madelaine. Raymond knew that eccentric Madelaine was contrary enough to be his ally, to reverse
    her father's foolhardy decision.
       Raymond judged Madelaine as a kindred soul... Until that last second when she underestimated him and put him on the street.
    Raymond tended to overreact to slights. He had counted on Madelaine to understand his genius. Okay, fine. He had the means to help her realize her big mistake. Right up until her last second.
       But underestimating works both ways. So did Raymond's machine.
       Since Raymond forgot about that, he did not expect that Madelaine, trapped her nightmare with him, would be his equal, mind to mind.
       To the death.


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The Nightmare Machine

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